The University of Hong Kong
Enhancing Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) Supply Chain in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) for Hong Kong Development
Invitation to Questionnaire Survey on MiC Supply Chain in the GBA in order to identify the regulatory and business drivers, opportunities, constraints and concerns for MiC supply chain identification and enhancement and to develop relevant measures and strategies. We would really appreciate it if you could kindly download, complete and return the questionnaire by Monday 24 May 2021

Cross-border logistics and supply chains are perceived as a significant barrier. The GBA creates exciting synergies and opportunities for HK development. How to capitalise on and enhance MiC supply chains in the GBA for implementing MiC policy and meeting the ambitious development plans in HK requires urgent research. This project aims to establish a favourable business environment and recommend a policy roadmap with action plan for enhancing MiC supply chain in the GBA for HK development.
Yang, Y.*, Pan, M., Pan, W. and Zhang, Z.Q (2020) Sources of Uncertainty in offsite logistics of modular construction in high-rise high-density cities. Journal of Management in Engineering. In Press.
This project is led and coordinated by Professor Wei Pan of Department of Civil Engineering of The University of Hong Kong (HKU), with project team members from HKU, HKPolyU, SCU and BIT, collaborators and supporters from a wide range of government and industry organisations in Hong Kong, as well as expert academics and practitioners on modular construction internationally.
This project is funded by the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Government of HKSAR under the Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Funding Scheme (Project Number: S2019.A8.013.19S).