The University of Hong Kong
Modular Integrated Construction for High-rise Buildings in Hong Kong: Supply Chain Identification, Analyses and Establishment
The CIC-HKU International Productivity Forums (HK-Singapore and HK-UK) held in Spring 2017 introduced the modular approach to HK, and the current Development Bureau-funded HKU-led research on the feasibility of adopting Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) for building in HK has been exploring the relevant policies, regulations and technical compliance. However, there is still a need to understand and establish appropriate supply chains for the successful take-up of MiC for buildings in HK. This Project aimed to improve the HK construction industry’s understanding of MiC and to help de-risk MiC adoption in HK by identifying and analysing the challenges in establishing MiC supply chains for buildings in HK in order to enhance construction productivity, quality, safety and sustainability.