The University of Hong Kong
Modular Integrated Construction Supply Chain in the Greater Bay Area for Hong Kong Development: Drivers, Opportunities, Constraints, Concerns, Measures and Strategies
Please cite the report as:
Pan, W., Wu, J., Xie, M., Zhang, Y. Pan, M. and Yang, Y. (2021) Modular
Integrated Construction Supply Chain in the Greater Bay Area for Hong Kong
Development: Drivers, Opportunities, Constraints, Concerns, Measures and
Strategies, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, ISBN: 978-962-8014-30-9.
“This research has several significant contributions. First, we engaged a wide range of stakeholders and practitioners in the construction industry and society of the GBA. This process substantially raised the awareness of the industry and society of MiC and improved communication on and discussion of relevant issues and strategies. Second, the findings will help various stakeholders to understand the MiC supply chain in the GBA for HK’s development and develop business plans related to MiC adoption. Third, the identified measures and strategies provide a solid foundation for the government to better formulate and implement relevant policies to further promote MiC adoption and to collaborate with industry partners to establish an effective MiC supply chain in the GBA for HK’s development.”